Saturday, September 6, 2014

12 Free gprs/Internet Tricks working on world wide web using any network

Caution :- Please make sure you have 0 balance on your mobile phone
Today i am back with some great tricks which you can use to access free internet and no matters what your service provider is or how strong the firewall of your service provider it because if one trick fails you can try another.
Lets Get started ......
1#, By using HTTPS
This is an old trick but still working on many networks so use HTTPS rather then HTTP which will bypass your isp firewall which is pointing toward the service provider home page or website.
2# Using @ sign
This trick also works on most of the networks like when you open any website it point you toward their own network website so apply @ symbol after your network site or the website which opens on 0balance at your mobile like,
What actually this will do is redirect you to the because of the @ symbol which is command the web browser to redirect on the given url after @.
3# Using Proxy on mobile
One of the best way to bypass the firewall of your network and use internet for free is using internet via proxy so simply follow the steps and check if its working on your network too or not.
You will need a working proxy server so goto and get a working proxy on green signal only on port 80 or 8080
I have Android Mobile phone so i will goto my settings > more > mobile Network >Access point names
Now this will show you your access points then chose your access point and do some editing as i am going to explain.
Now scroll down and you will see an option of proxy click on it and add the proxy which you got from now click ok and below you have to setup port so write the port of your proxy as i mentioned only use a proxy of port 80 or 8080 after click ok and go back and check your APN access point name and it should go green or blue or what ever your theme is.
Now browse website from Android default web browser and i hope in many places this trick works like in india, Pakistan , Nigeria , Somalia , Ethiopia and most of Asian countries.
#4 Using OperaMini
Using opera mini for free internet is a working method in Pakistan and many other countries because opera mini has its own private and proxy servers which are connected by default to opera mini web browser to use internet on high speed and thats the main reason why internet uns faster on those browsers.
Using old versions of OperaMini >this is because many of networks providers are smart and they have blocked the proxy servers of your opea mini so use old versions because it contains different proxy servers.
Using New versions >The reason for using is if old versions wont work try out new versions because in future as opera mini browser gets updated then there are chances that its proxies will also get updated which would be unblocked.
5# Using DroidVPN
DroidVPN trick also works in many countries accept some of the countries and it is for Android Mobile Phones so download it from PlayStore and the best thing is if it get connected in your area this can run android apps too like skype etc so follow my below instructions after the download .
Requirements :-
One website which must open on 0 balance like your network provider website or website like or any website opening on 0 balance.
Create an account if you already don't have it otherwise login
Goto Setting
Then select use protocolTCP And save
Goto Http hedders and write this
Now Save it as it is and go back and connect it and also many times it wont connect so keep connecting like MAX 10 times and i am sure it will got connected and a working trick for airtel , tata docomo , Ufone users.
What if it wont connect ?
If you fail to connect even by taping 10 times then follow some more steps
goto settings of DroidVPN again and in proxy write any working proxy of port 80 or 8080 as you can get it from
Now try to connect and again if you get failed then goto settings of DroidVPN > Port Setting and write down the below ports
Port Settings:
- Set UDP Port: 9200
- Set TCP Port: 67
- Bind to Local Port: 68 And Again if it wont connect then the only thing which is not allowing DroidVPN to connect is ports so try to find out open ports of your service provider.
#6 Using FeatVPN
Feat VPN also works great so follow the below instructions. FeatVPN from Android Play Store
2.Download open VPN config Files , google it ( OPEN VPN Config Files ) ( OVPN file for FeatVPN)
3.Run a Test of FeatVPn
4.Goto Tunnels and select your Ovpn config file
5.GO back and click connect and this will work hopefully in many countries for free internet.


  1. lawboy,is dis tweak really working?

  2. @Lordruffy , it really working and you can use it properly by using your mobile phone default browser.
