Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ways on How to Make Money Online by Kids

It is possible for kids to make money online, but they often need adult supervision if they are under the legal age of majority. Sites like eBay and other third-party e-commerce sites allow children to sell items for money as long as their selling accounts are supervised by a parent or guardian. It's also important for parents to supervise online money-making activities to help children avoid scams. With the right combination of skill and initiative, kids have become millionaires online.
Moderately Challenging
Let kids sell items on eBay. The rules of the site allow an adult with an account in good standing to let children sell through the site as long as their activities are supervised. Kids can sell anything that is allowed for sale by the Website. A few ideas for kids' sales are selling their outgrown clothes and shoes, old toys they no longer play with, craft items they've made, and cheap items that they buy at the thrift store in order to resell.
Give kids a digital camera. Let them sell their digital photos. Sites like Stock Exchange let all customers list their photos for sale through the Website. It then pays the photographer a portion for each sale. The photos can be of household items, nature items or anything else that someone might want to buy to use on their Website or for their commercial projects. Some sites will require that the adult have the account. However, as long as the parent supervises the account, kids can make money from the photographs.
Set up a blog that will allow the child to make money. A kid can post his own blog posts on his own blog which is then monetized by placing ads on the site. Affiliate ads can be placed as banner ads or as links in the text of the blog posts. Readers click on the links, and a commission is earned for the blogger if the reader then buys an item.
Have kids make crafts that can be sold on Etsy. The site is a third-party retail Website that sells online hand-made crafts. The sales may have to be supervised by an adult account holder, but there are many money-making possibilities with the site. Kids love to make things, and Etsy has a growing customer base of people who love hand-made items.
Help kids to create their own Websites. The Websites can then be monetized with ads that kids can negotiate on their own. This would require kids to contact Websites and ask the site to advertise. Ad networks that supply paid ads require people to be 18 to sign up. That makes the site-to-site negotiation necessary. Kids can also have a donation button on their Website that allows people to donate to a PayPal account that is held in a parent's name.
Place AdSense ads on a Website or blog using a parent's account. AdSense account holders must be 18, but kids are allowed to use their parents' AdSense codes on their own Websites. Ashley Qualls, the owner of Whateverlife, started the Website at the age of 14, using her parent's AdSense account to make money from the Website. She makes MySpace layouts and gives them away for free through the Website. She earns about $70,000 per month from the Website through AdSense and other ad revenue.
Tips & Warnings
*.To get paid for some of the work that kids do online--such as digital photography sales--an adult will have to set up a PayPal account and supervise the transactions. PayPal does not allow anyone under 18 to have an account.
*.With Websites like eBay and some stock photography sites, members can send messages to other members. Communications send to kids through these sites should be monitored by an adult, and kids should be warned not to give out any personal information to other members.
*. Website Creation for Kids

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