Topics You Need To Study In Chemistry For JAMB
Here are some topics you need to study
in chemistry;
*. Seperation of mixtures and
purifications of chemical substances.
*. Chemical combination
*. Kinetic theory of matter and gas
laws, boyle, cha
rles, grahan and dalton laws.
*. Atomic structures and bonding, the
periodic table,
eletrovalency and covalency, radio
activity, nuclear
*. Constituents of air.
*. Water composition by volume, as a solvent, as product of combustion of hydrogen, water of
crystalization, efflorescence, deliquescence and
*. Solubility
*. Sources and effects of pollutants
*. Acids, bases and salts
*. PH and OH
*. Oxidation and reduction
*. Energy changes
endothermic, ectothermic, entropy, entalpy etc.
*. Rates of chemical reaction chemical equilibrium, metals and non-metals.
*. Organic compounds
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkano
ls, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic, alkanoates, etc.
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